Thanks to Lesley Smith for creating our conference logo that will start to appear on all related published material.
We have a had a fantastic response to our call for papers and all the successful submitters have now been informed. A draft programme will be announced very soon. Our speakers will be coming from around New Zealand, Australia, America and the UK. The range and depth of what is being offered is both impressive and exciting.
The organisers have been busily negotiating behind the scenes to secure a modern and dynamic venue and are now able to announce that we have signed an agreement with Auckland University of Technology to that end.
It is hoped that earlybird registrations will open late January 2014 and a full website with online booking facilities will also be live by then.
With less than a year to go, we are looking forward to getting together with a large group of like minded book arts and craft enthusiasts over Labour weekend 2014.
Go to the first blog post for details about dates etc.
We have a had a fantastic response to our call for papers and all the successful submitters have now been informed. A draft programme will be announced very soon. Our speakers will be coming from around New Zealand, Australia, America and the UK. The range and depth of what is being offered is both impressive and exciting.
The organisers have been busily negotiating behind the scenes to secure a modern and dynamic venue and are now able to announce that we have signed an agreement with Auckland University of Technology to that end.
It is hoped that earlybird registrations will open late January 2014 and a full website with online booking facilities will also be live by then.
With less than a year to go, we are looking forward to getting together with a large group of like minded book arts and craft enthusiasts over Labour weekend 2014.
Go to the first blog post for details about dates etc.